Car Insurance, also known as auto or motor insurance, is a type of vehicle insurance policy that protects you and your car from any risks and damages caused from accidents, thefts or natural disasters. So, you will be financially secure in case of any losses that may be incurred because of any such unforeseen circumstances. In addition to that, you will also be protected from third-party liabilities.
Whether you want to just legally comply with the law with the most basic, third party car insurance, or give your car ultimate protection with a comprehensive car insurance or own damage policy, We offers you a third-party, comprehensive and own damage car insurance at affordable premiums online.
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Driving without a valid Driving License holder
Of course, you may have more questions related to renewing or buying car insurance only, so scroll down and find your question answered!
What is the eligibility to buy a car insurance?
Is car insurance mandatory in Pakistan?
What is cashless car insurance?
What documents are required to make a car insurance claim for accidents?
What is the process to report car insurance claim in case of theft?
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